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Please note – this event is NOT an LAA or a YES event and is run entirely privately.

The 9th Annual Young Aviators Day

Sat 13/09/14 Sywell Aerodrome – another successful Young Aviator Day!

Thanks a million to all the great team at Sywell Aerodrome yesterday – the airfield, catering (Aviator Hotel and The Pilots Mess), ATC, Fuel & Fire, Flylight, the many volunteers (many YES members and many other regulars, but also great to welcome some new faces), the pilots (again some YES members and many regulars, but again superb to welcome some new faces) and all the participants – Scouts troops from Oakham All Saint Scout Group, Whiteleaf  Chiltern Vale Scout District, Bucks, Northampton Scouts (all districts) and  28th Oxford (Littlemore), the 12 young ladies and their leaders from 1st Two Mile Ash Girl Guides, Milton Keynes, the team from Ernesford Grange Academy, Coventry (one of the RAes/Boeing Schools Build-a-Plane schools) and their amazing simulator, the team with the Balloon Basket, the glider from London Flying Club, Dunstable, the Nav exercise team including the RIN (Royal Institute of Navigators) and the many others, friends, family and passers-by, who just came along to enjoy another superb day and take part in all the free activities – with all the above plus stomp rockets, a record 20 Egg Crash Test flights, hangar tours, pedal planes and a whole lot of fun wrapped into an excellent day, where we flew a total of 70x Young Aviators, and 13x adults, in a total of 63x flights by a wonderful team of 10x pilots.

The 10th Anniversary Sywell Young Aviators event is already in the diary – Saturday 12th September 2015, and work is already underway to plan another wonderful day.

Thanks to everyone and see you all out and about soon, or at next years 10th Anniversary.

If you need any further information about this event, then please contact

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